Nanobubble: Nano Technology Implementation to Increase Shrimp Productivity

About Solution

Our startup wants to solve the problem of low fish and shrimp harvest in Indonesia (and World) due to virus/disease attack caused by poor water quality management and low dissolved oxygen in ponds. 
We look the core problem of the failure of shrimp farming is the low content of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the pond. The low DO in the pond causes various adverse effects on shrimp, e.g: low shrimp survival rate, easy virus attack and deadly disease, and poor water quality. Then we want to create an appropriate and innovative solution by making a nanobubble generator engine. This machine aims to increase Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in pond water so that it can solve big problems of virus shrimp and poor water quality.
A nanobubble machine is an aeration machine for supplying oxygen in pond water utilizing oxygen in the air to be injected into the compressor and broken down in a nanoporous membrane so that a nanometer-sized air bubble (about 1:10^9 meters). The nanometer size of the bubble is able to increase the bubble's ability to be stable in the water so as to maintain dissolved oxygen in optimum numbers. Our Nanobubble can increase the average DO of shrimp ponds to 2x higher than regular DO figures, lowering potential virus and bacterial attacks on shrimp, increasing shrimp seedlings, and accelerating the harvest. 

In our Pilot Plant, Our Nanobubble machine is able to increase the average DO of shrimp ponds to 2x, which usually DO shrimp farms are 3-4 ppm to 7-10 ppm (with nanobubble). So with high Dissolved Oxygen the water quality of the pond will be maintained in good condition, lowering the threat of virus or bacterial pathogens causing shrimp disease (even our research shows data that our oxygen nanobubble is able to eliminate EHP virus in shrimp), increase scattered shrimp seed in ponds, increase survival rate and accelerating the harvest time. 

Our team hopes to help shrimp and fish farmers to be able to increase crop yields and reduce the risk of disease attacks on fish and shrimp. This has an impact on improving the welfare of fish farmers financially, besides that we also support food security for fishery commodities, especially fish and shrimp.